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المرحلة الثانوية


تتبين أهمية دراسة النمو عند التربويين بوجه خاص في مساعدتهم على التعرف على مكونات الشخصية عند طلابهم ومطالب النمو ، واحتياجاته التي تعد عاملا مؤثراً في توجيه سلوكياتهم فضلا عن معرفة ما لديهم من القدرات العقلية التي تتباين عند الطلاب ،وهذا ما نوفره نحن لدى الطالب وهو ما يعرف عند التربويين وعلماء النفس " بالفروق الفردية " ، وأثر ذلك في التعليم النشط والفعال ، وفي الإرشاد الطلابي والتوجيه الاجتماعي ، والإشراف التربوي التعليمي ، وهي جوانب أساسيه في حياة الطالب بوجه خاص .وهذا هو دور مدرستنا الفعال بالاشتراء مع مدرسينهم المتميزيين .

Identifies the importance of growth study when educators in particular, in helping them to identify the personal components when their students and the demands of growth, and needs, which is a factor in guiding their behavior as well as knowledge of their mental abilities that vary when students, and this is what we are providing the student is known when educators and psychologists "individual differences", and its impact in the active and effective education, counseling students and social guidance, education and supervision of education, which are essential aspects of student life in particular. This is the role of effective procurement with our school Madrasinam Almtmizaan.

Track name - Artist name
with Mr.Emad & Mrs.Enas

with Mr.Emad & Mrs.Enas

with Mrs. Ebtsam

with Mrs. Ebtsam

In the annual exhibition

In the annual exhibition

with Mr. Emad Arabic

with Mr. Emad Arabic

In the annual exhibition

In the annual exhibition







In the annual exhibition

In the annual exhibition

In the annual exhibition

In the annual exhibition

In the annual exhibition

In the annual exhibition

language lab

language lab

teacher french

teacher french

In the annual exhibition

In the annual exhibition




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Samsam Faragalla

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